Dear Susan,
It was lovely to see you too! Thank you so much for fitting me in to your busy Cape Town schedule, and for the all the excellent advice over the years, which has enabled me to pay off my credit card and most of my bond this week! And after this month I will own my car, so I am lucky enough to be debt-free…
Liberty sent a nurse to take some blood for glucose and cholesterol levels: I wonder if you could please forward the results to me when you receive them.
I will be interested to speak to Gary – many people (including you!) are advising me to take income protection, as they pay out in full in the event of one not being able to work, and the subscription is tax-deductable.
Looking forward to seeing you in December – you’ll have to come for dinner, as I have acquired some more dining room chairs!
Keep well, and thank you again for all your help with this.
Love Lindy
Hi Susan,
I always feel so liberated and in control of my finances after meeting with you!
Thank you very much!
Please do send me the budget we discussed – as I would love to track my pennies each month and see where it all goes, and where I can make improvements!
Have a wonderful day
Thank you for another great meeting – I won’t lie, initially it is very daunting to physically see what needs to be saved and how important it is, but I really can’t thank you enough for being so patient with me and explaining everything in “easy” terms!
Nicci Connellan
Hi Susan
Thank you for this impressive newsletter. Excellent advice!
I am not sure if I ever thanked you guys officially for sorting out my FMI claim. I really did appreciate it. The money has come at the perfect time! Thank you, thank you.
I hope you have a happy holiday time and a blessed Christmas. I look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
All the best
Hi Suzi,
Thanks for all the expert advice and yes I think we should commute the 1/3 into Alan Gray & the rest into an annuity.
Please don’t forget to send me the budget spreadsheet & the will.
Thanks again & talk soon
Ian Botha